Hopeprint Culture Galas
From 2011 to 2019, Hopeprint proudly presented our annual Culture Gala to the Central New York Community, featuring the cultures of our community as displayed through the cultural arts and artistic elements commissioned by our people, speaking to their stories. We are honored to have hosted professional an amateur artists at these events.
Recreating Home Exhibition
In 2018, Hopeprint and our Her Village women partnered with Maranie Rae Staab of Syracuse University Newhouse School to give a glimpse into the stories of New American women as they “recreate home” in the United States. Multiple women graciously shared their stories, and allowed glimpses of them to be shared as a part of this exhibition, available to the public at the Art Rage Gallery.
At Dusk 2023 featuring Bailey Hinton
At Dusk: Christmas at the Square is an annual community event at The Broadmoor in Gulfport, Mississippi. Hopeprint was pleased to partner with Go Gulfport and the Mississippi Arts Commission to host our first post-pandemic public event, bringing some of the foundations of the Culture Gala to a new home with local flavor. Live music was provided by Bailey Hinton from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, as featured in the video snapshot.